Wall Maps & Wall Planners
UK Planning Maps
Our wide range of UK Planning Maps have been specifically designed to assist you with all of your business planning needs. Select from postcode mapping, regional road maps, marketing maps and congestion charge maps; we have products to cater to all of your business requirements...

London Maps
London maps are useful to any business, in or outside the UK. Select from our number of informative maps detailing postcode sectors, low emission zones, congestion charge maps and more. We have products to suit all of your business planning requirements. Our high quality maps can be framed, or ‘laminated to last’.

Regional Road Maps
This series of regional road maps is published exclusively by Map Marketing. This is one map in an eight-sheet map set, updated annually using the latest mapping data from Collins Bartholomew to cover the whole of Great Britain in considerable detail. Most roads are shown with motorways, trunk roads, dual carriageways, main and secondary routes all prominently depicted in an easy to read style.

World Maps
Our World Wall Maps make an eye-catching and informative addition to any work space, and are great for any business that conducts itself internationally. Our World Political Map is specially designed for the office or boardroom, and is our best seller! With main cities marked, and clearly defined political colouring, this map also features time zone clocks, international airports, state boundaries and more.

European Maps
Our range of European Maps are ideal for businesses who operate internationally, with a variety of informative options to suit your requirements From maps of Europe to specific maps of European countries detailing postcode boundaries or political road maps. Our maps are made from good quality, hard-wearing materials and can be framed for display or laminated in tough, crystal clear plastic.

International Maps
Highly detailed, up-to-date international wall maps are specifically designed with your business in mind. They can be framed, or ‘laminated to last’ between two sheets of tough, flexible, crystal clear plastic. They can be framed, or ‘laminated to last’ between two sheets of tough, flexible, crystal clear plastic allowing you to add and easily remove notes and markings with dry or wet wipe pens.

Creating Your Map
If you require a specific print, our Custom Maps ensure you get exactly what you need for your business planning. Our large format printers allow us to create wall maps ‘on demand’ to your exact specification, so we can deliver the map you really need in a short space of time. Simply, affordably and with excellent customer service along the way.

Mark-it Planners
Year planners and Wall Charts are the ideal way to organise the office or your home or even both if you struggle to get that work/life balance. At Map Marketing we understand that people plan in a variety of ways that’s why we offer every type of chart from a giant year planner, to the reusable perpetual year planner, month or week planners to name a few.

Year Planners
Whiteboard wall planners are the perfect way to schedule business deadlines, staff holiday or events to ensure there are no misunderstandings with dates. Laminated to last these write-on, wipe-off whiteboards come with FREE accessory kits.

Map Accessories
Make your map work for you by adding accessories. Whether you choose to have classic map pins or the more modern map stickers these map accessories are ideal for drawing your focus to a particular location on your map.