Birmingham & West Midlands Postcode Wall Map
Birmingham and the West Midlands is No. 13 in our range of Postcode Sector Wall Maps. With coverage from Crewe to Worcester, from Narborough to Welshpool the map covers Stoke-on-Trent, Birmingham, Telford, Derby, Coventry, Worcester and Northampton.
- Sector Sheet 13: Birmingham & West Midlands
- Size: 73 x 107 cm (29 x 42 inches)
- Scale: 1:150 000 (1 inch to 2.4 miles)
Geographical Coverage Guide:
- North: Crewe
- South: Worcester
- East: Narborough
- West: Welshpool
Birmingham & West Midlands Postcode Wall Map
Birmingham and the West Midlands is No. 13 in our range of Postcode Sector Wall Maps. With coverage from Crewe to Worcester, from Narborough to Welshpool the map covers Stoke-on-Trent, Birmingham, Telford, Derby, Coventry, Worcester and Northampton.
- Sector Sheet 13: Birmingham & West Midlands
- Size: 73 x 107 cm (29 x 42 inches)
- Scale: 1:150 000 (1 inch to 2.4 miles)
Geographical Coverage Guide:
- North: Crewe
- South: Worcester
- East: Narborough
- West: Welshpool