80s Culture Jigsaw

Here is another example of what makes a great jigsaw…a great image to start with, I know I talk about this a lot. Twitter sensation Jim’ll Paint It created a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle featuring a colourful explosion of 80's pop culture painstakingly rendered in Microsoft Paint. Lovers of the 80s can now puzzle all their favourite 80s icons - Mr Stay Puff from Ghostbusters, Knight Rider, Rambo, ET and that giant flying dog from Neverending Story. Every inch of the space is covered with faces and fine detail that you can really pour over while you are completing the puzzle. That’s what makes it so popular.
Jim’s audience are his social followers and we believe the new found lovers of all things jigsaw related. This is not an audience of people aged 60 plus. His initial run sold out also immediately, so his second order featured his artwork with a slight ‘guess the change’ to the visual that was just genius! He created social engagement, terrific content and was patient and understanding when production has been slower than normal due to lockdown.